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Book Review: The Unicorn Project
·8 mins
Coffee-Reads Book-Review
The Unicorn Project # Since Gene Kim just came out with a new book (topic for another coffee read) I realized I never summarized his last one.
Decoding Software Security: A Guide to Assessing Requirements with the STRIDE model
·8 mins
Security Coffee-Reads
For this coffee read, I wanted to write about the STRIDE model and how, when working in your day to day job, you can use it to break down a functionality or requirement you may have and identify potential security threats.


Book Review: Software Architecture Patterns (Report)
·5 mins
Coffee-Reads Book-Review
For this coffee read, I will be reviewing the book Software Architecture Patterns (Report) by Mark Richards.
Navigating the Trenches: A Guide to Effortlessly Handling Customer Support Tickets
·10 mins
Coffee-Reads Sre On-Call
If you work with real data and customers you will have to deal with customer support tickets.
Book Review: Observability Engineering: Achieving Production Excellence
·5 mins
Coffee-Reads Book-Review Observability
For the first book review in what I will call my coffee reads section of the blog I will be reviewing the book Observability Engineering: Achieving Production Excellence.